
Monday, March 26, 2012

Cherry blossom viewing

Teinosuke had laughed when, on their honeymoon in the Hakone mountains south of Tokyo, he asked Sachiko what her favorite fish was and learned that it was the sea bream. The sea bream was far too ordinary a fish to have for a favorite. Sachiko said, however, that the sea bream, both in appearance and in taste, was the most Japanese of all fish, and that a Japanese who did not like sea bream was simply not a Japansese. Teinosuke suspected that his wife was secretly boasting of her native Osaka. The Osaka region produced the best sea bream, and, it would seem to follow, was most truly Japanese.
And when Sachiko was asked what flower she liked best, there was no hesitation in her answer: the cherry blossom.
The Makioka Sisters, Junichiro Tanizaki

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